The first thing you'll need to consider are licenses needed. For any type of food business a health license will be needed, in addition to state business licenses and insurance. For those planning to operate a traveling kettle corn business a separate health license may be needed for each country where business is occurring. Planning ahead for licensing is generally a good idea instead of simply buying rental space, as it will be necessary to present proof of all licenses awarded.
It's also necessary to decide methods of operating the business. Some businesses operate part time and some full time. Deciding if the business will operate from one central location, or will be a traveling business will assist in knowing what type of equipment is needed. If it will operate at such places as flea markets, fairs and ball games, with large numbers of people, planning for purchasing or rental of heavy duty equipment is probably needed.
Planning for this before starting will help access start-up costs, building and space rentals, licenses needed, and prepare for equipment purchases, packaging, uniforms, and other items. Prices can vary greatly on equipment, especially dependent on if the business will be a traveling business or not, or doing business at events with large numbers of people. The best idea is to do initial research on all options. This way nothing is left to the imagination, and there are no financial surprises.
Though it is fairly simple to conduct an Internet business it is necessary to do research regarding state health licensing. States may have different requirements for such as things as home business food preparation, and this may vary greatly. Investigate regulations and know what is needed before beginning this type of business.
It will also be necessary to consider packaging. Other equipment may also be needed for sealing product, and preservation methods are also a factor. Its also good to plan for different flavors of product. The larger the options the more the product will appeal to consumers. This is particularly an issue for Internet businesses.
Consider if the business will be seasonal, or year round. Decide if equipment will be leased for part of the year, or purchased. This may help determine if an equipment rental agreement is needed.
To lower the cost of starting the business consider a rental agreement, especially if the business will be seasonal. If it will operate year round consider options involved for bringing in profits year round. A little business planning will go a long way in establishing a successful kettle corn business.
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